Licensing agreement
Here’s what our Pikkovia Store License allows for, for each Item available for purchase or download on . If you are purchasing for multiple individuals in your team, please support the authors and add the appropriate team size license to your cart during checkout:
- The Pikkovia Store License grants the user an ongoing, non-exclusive, worldwide license to utilize the digital work (“Item”).
- You are licensed to use the Item to create unlimited end projects for yourself or for your clients and the end projects may be sold, licensed, sub-licensed or freely distributed.
What you CAN do:
- Create End Products for clients or personal projects
- License, sub-license and make any number of copies of end projects for personal or client engagements.
- You may modify or manipulate the Item. You may combine the Item with other works and make a derivative work from it. The resulting works are subject to the terms of this license.
- This is a ‘multi-use’ license, which means you may use an Item multiple times, in multiple projects.
What you CANNOT do:
- Re-distribute the Item as a stock image or it’s source files, regardless of any modifications, under any circumstances. In other words, you cannot replicate or make modifications to the item and sell it on other marketplaces as your own, even if the source files are not included.
- Make a theme, template or derivative work of any product to sell on any marketplace.
- Resell or otherwise distribute downloaded assets on any marketplace as well as via private channels and bots under any circumstances.
- Note: Violation of these terms will be pursued to the fullest extent of the law.
Sample end products:
- End Products include but are not limited to: Commercial or personal websites, mobile apps, web apps, games, illustrations, wireframes, presentations and videos.